Thursday, July 2, 2015

Why Natural Marriage over Same-Sex Marriage?

Should Marriage Limited to One Man and One Woman? Why do Governments Promote marriage between one man and one Woman? It’s not because tWo people love each other, but for the perpetuation and stabilization of society

This understanding of marriage is rooted in the biological facts of nature But do We really have Any compelling reason to maintain such a narrow definition? Or has the time come for the government to revise and expant our understanding of marriage to include same sex couples?

When it comes to the behaviour of its citizens: government has 3 options: and that is Promote, Permit and Prohibit. For examples, the states promote police Work, permit most occupations but prohibit of dealing drugs. Why? Because dealing drugs harm na society.

Same With the government, they promote natural marriage, permit most relationships but prohibit of Incest and Pedophilia harm our communities.

  • Natural Marriage - creates children that encourage an adequate replacement birth rate, resulting in enough productive young people to contribute to society and provide security for the elderly.
  • Best raises children - Children from natural marriage homes are 6 times less likely to commit suicide, half as likely to become pregnant out of Wedlock, and less likely to drop out of highschool.
  • Protects Women - Who often give up or postpone their careers to have children from being abandoned and harmed economically by uncommitted men.
  • Civilizes Men - married men are more likely to be employed, cause fewe
  • Lowers Crime, poverty and welfare – which reduces government spending and deficits.

That’s why Natural Marriage perpetuates and stabilizes society and everyone benefits from that, even those who don’t get married.

Same Sex Marriage what benefits does it provide?

It offers NO BENEFITS for society as a whole, in fact it hurts us. Promoting same sex marriage changes the purpose of THE CIVIL INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE.

Natural Marriage centers on bringing up the next generation on raising children to become Good Citizens.Same sex marriage merely validates sex partners.

we know statistically that Natural Marriage creates the best possible family for children. If we alter the primary Purpose of Marriage, the Losers will be the Children. Doesn't every child deserve a mom and dad?

But what about natural marriages that Don't create children? They are the exception, not the rule.wherever same sex marriage is promoted.

What about Equality? the law ALREADY treats everyone equally. Every citizen can marry someone of the opposite sex.

But is it fair to promote natural marriage over same sex marriange? the answer is YES. the law treats all people the same, but it doesn't treat all BEHAVIORS the same.

Same sex marriage and Natural Marriage are different behavioirs with different outcomes. So the law rightfully treats them differently.

Isn't this discrimination against homosexuals? No. this discriminates againts Behaviours not people.

For example, are you being discriminated against when the govenment promotes police work but you never become a police officer? No. not at all and we all benefit when police work is encouraged.

In the same way, people who don't marry someone of the opposite sex are NOT discriminated against when our government promotes natural marriage. In fact we all benefit when Natural Marriage is encouraged.

But what about Tolerance? Yes. Same sex marriage advocates need to be more Tolerant. Homosexuals relationships are ALREADY TOLERATED, they can already commit themselves to each other until death do them part without government endorsement.

But only the union of One Man and One woman should be promoted because it alone is the foundation of a civilized society. That's not bigotry. That's biology.


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